October 2020 Kivumu Community Garden 7th Phase

Our new group of 70 sponsored families are busy planting the 7th phase of the Kivumu Community Garden. They are using seed potatoes passed from the families in the 6th phase reinforcing our model of sustainability and teamwork.

Our community garden project provides our recipients with the means to eat, make a living, and uplift them into hope and dignity.

This project also allows these families to feel a stronger sense of community and a sense of empowerment in providing for their own.

Through the community gardens, vulnerable individuals are able to generate a source of income and feed their families. This program is crucial to these communities development and helps drive the world towards a healthier environment.

Help us to encourage a more sustainable environment and a bright future for these communities by supporting us as we continue to expand these projects.

We’re a registered charity dedicated to family welfare, empowering communities & developing self-sufficiency programs to end poverty in Burundi and Rwanda, East Africa, and in Calgary, Canada.


3936 A 29 Street Northeast Calgary, AB T1Y 6B6 Canada

© Copyright 2023 Wings of Hope for Africa