Gatagara House Donation – Rwanda July 2016

In July 2016, we delivered supplies to Gatagara House, in Kiyovu, Nyarugenge, Rwanda. This shelter houses more than 30 Burundian refugees – elderly, youth, and young children who cannot stay at the refugee camps due to sickness, trauma, mental illness, or disabilities.

These refugees are part of the hundreds of thousands who fled Burundi since 2015. In Gatagara House, they now live as a big family. Large refugee camps cannot address their specific needs, but on a smaller scale, we can.

We donated 15 matressess, 25 blankets, 300kg of rice, 400kg of beans, and 100kg of flour. Thank you supporters, for making this and our other projects possible.

We’re a registered charity dedicated to family welfare, empowering communities & developing self-sufficiency programs to end poverty in Burundi and Rwanda, East Africa, and in Calgary, Canada.


3936 A 29 Street Northeast Calgary, AB T1Y 6B6 Canada

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